Crochet Accesories

POM POM – it is easier than you think !
To make a pom pom you need:
·         Yarn
·         Scissors
·         Cardboard Toilet Paper Roll (or any cylinder of similar size)
Making a pom pom is really simple, as long as you follow these instructions:

I cut open the roll to show you how the
inside should look with the taped yarn.

 1) Cut a piece of yarn and put it across the toilet paper roll and tape it to the inside of the toilet paper roll, try to leave this piece a few inches longer than necessary.

      2) Once your piece of yarn is secure to the toilet paper roll, begin to wrap the toilet paper  roll in yarn. Make sure you do not pull the yarn around the roll tightly, or your pom pom will lose its fluffiness.

3)    After you have fully wrapped the toilet paper roll, 
detach it from your remaining yarn.

Untape Piece of yarn

Using piece of untaped yarn, tie knot
around yarn wrapped on roll
 4)  Now, you want to carefully untape the secure piece of yarn and tie a knot in it so that all the yarn wrapped around the toilet paper roll is also inside the knot of this piece.

(Sorry- difficult picture to take)

     5) Now, you are going to the side opposite of your knot, cut through the yarn (if you are having trouble cutting through just the yarn, cut through the toilet paper roll also, it just means you cannot reuse it for pom pom making).

6)    You should end up with a bundle of yarn pieces about 3-5 inches long in a bundle tied  together by the yarn you tied the knot with.

7)    Now you want to tie a new knot or tighter knot around the bundle to keep the pieces together.

8)    Your pom pom probably will not be full and may seem lame, but that is okay because all you have to do is repeat steps 1-7, then tie together your bundles, I find that 2-3 bundles usually does the trick.  (If you wrapped with thick yarn, or around a smaller object you may need only one bundle)
        9)  Once your bundles are tied together, you may want to trim it down a bit to make the pom pom seem more uniform (I highly recommend doing so over a garbage can, it gets messy).

10)  Now that you have a full, fluffed and fuzzy pom pom feel free to add it onto the top of any hat  or other creation you have.

If you think you have mastered toilet paper roll pom pom making, trying wrapping the yarn around other things of different sizes to get different size pom poms.

Check out the Easy Crochet Hat Variations page and look under pom pom hats to see pictures of hats I have decorated with pom poms.

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